
gehe zur Dokumentation dieser Datei
00010 /***************************************************************************
00011 *
00012 *it is not allowed to remove the nicknames of the contributers to this software
00013 * from the function header
00014 */
00015 /***************************************************************************
00016 *                                                                         *
00017 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00018 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00019 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00020 *   any later version.                                                    *
00021 ***************************************************************************/
00023 /*******************************************************************************
00024 *
00025 * File Name:   asuro.c
00026 * Project  :   ASURO
00027 *
00028 * Description: This file contains ASURO main features
00029 *
00030 * Ver.     Date         Author           Comments
00031 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------
00032 * 1.00     14.08.2003   Jan Grewe        build
00033 * 2.00     14.10.2003   Jan Grewe        LEFT_VEL, RIGHT_VEL -> MotorSpeed(unsigned char left_speed, unsigned char right_speed);
00034 *                                        LeftRwd(),LeftFwd(),RightRwd(),
00035 *                                        RigthFwd() -> MotorDir(unsigned char left_dir, unsigned char right_dir);
00036 *                                        GREEN_ON,GREEN_OFF,RED_ON,RED_OFF -> StatusLED(unsigned char color);
00037 *                                        LED_RED_ON, LED_RED_OFF -> FrontLED(unsigned char color);
00038 *                                        Blink(unsigned char left, unsigned char right) -> BackLED(unsigned char left, unsigned char right);
00039 *                                        Alles in Funktionen gefasst => leichter verständlich ?!?!
00040 * 2.10     17.10.2003   Jan Grewe        new Timer funktion void Sleep(unsigned char time36kHz)
00041 *
00042 * Copyright (c) 2003 DLR Robotics & Mechatronics
00043 *****************************************************************************/
00044 /****************************************************************************
00045 *
00046 * File Name:   asuro.c
00047 * Project  :   asuro library "Robotrixer Buxtehude"
00048 *
00049 * Description: This file contains additional functions:
00050 *
00051 * signal (SIG_ADC)                 interrupt/signal routine for encoder-counter
00052 * signal (SIG_INTERRUPT1)          signal for switches
00053 * EncoderInit()                    initializing encoder-counter
00054 * EncoderStart()                   start autoencoding
00055 * EncoderStop()                    stop autoencoding
00056 * EncoderSet(int,int)              set encodervalue
00057 * Msleep(int delay)                wait for delay in milliseconds
00058 * Gettime()                        get systemtime in milliseconds
00059 * PrintInt(int)
00060 *
00061 * modifications in Sleep, SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE2, PollSwitch, LineData
00062 *
00063 * Ver.     Date         Author           Comments
00064 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------
00065 * beta1    31.03.2005   Robotrixer       asuro library
00066 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------
00067 * the encoder source is based on RechteckDemo.c ver 2.0 by Jan Grewe 22.10.2003
00068 * Copyright (c) 2003 DLR Robotics & Mechatronics
00070 *****************************************************************************/
00071 /****************************************************************************
00072 *
00073 * File Name:   asuro.c
00074 * Project  :   asuro library modified for IR collision detector
00075 *
00076 * Description: modifications made in following functions:
00077 *
00079 * Gettime()                             counts now 36kHz
00080 * Init()                                timer2 modified for adjustable duty cycle
00081 * Batterie()                            bug fixed
00082 * Sleep()                               counts now 36kHz
00083 * Msleep()                              counts now 36kHz
00084 *
00085 * Ver.     Date         Author           Comments
00086 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------
00087 * beta2    11.06.2005   Waste            asuro library
00088 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------
00089 *****************************************************************************/
00090 /****************************************************************************
00091 *
00092 * File Name:   asuro.c
00093 * Project  :   asuro library
00094 *
00095 * Description: This file contains additional functions:
00096 *
00097 * motor control functions 29.7.2005 stochri
00098 * void Go(int distance)
00099 * void Turn(int degree)
00100 *
00101 * unsigned char Wheelspeed[2]           measured Wheelspeed by interupt
00102 *
00103 * Ver.     Date         Author           Comments
00104 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------------------
00105 * sto1     29.07.2005   stochri          asuro library with motor control functions
00106 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------------------
00107 *****************************************************************************/
00108 /****************************************************************************
00109 *
00110 * File Name:   asuro.c
00111 * Project  :   asuro library
00112 *
00113 * Description: modifications made in following functions:
00114 *
00115 * void Go(int distance, int speed)
00116 * void Turn(int degree, int speed)
00117 *
00118 *
00119 * Ver.     Date         Author           Comments
00120 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------------------
00121 * And1     31.07.2005   Andun            Added Speed and Odometrie
00122 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------------------
00123 *****************************************************************************/
00124 /****************************************************************************
00125 *
00126 * File Name:   asuro.c
00127 * Project  :   asuro library
00128 *
00129 * Description: modifications made in following functions:
00130 *
00131 * void PrintInt(int wert)
00132 *
00133 *
00134 * Ver.     Date         Author           Comments
00135 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------------------
00136 * 2.60     28.09.2005   m.a.r.v.i.n      doxygen comments
00137 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------------------
00138 *****************************************************************************/
00139 /****************************************************************************
00140 *
00141 * File Name:   asuro.c
00142 * Project  :   asuro library
00143 *
00144 * Description: modifications made in following functions:
00145 *
00146 * SIGNAL (SIG_ADC)
00147 * void PrintInt(int wert)
00148 *
00149 *
00150 * Ver.     Date         Author           Comments
00151 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------------------
00152 * 2.61     20.11.2006   m.a.r.v.i.n      SIGNAL (SIG_ADC): static Variable toggle initialisiert
00153 *                                        auf False (Bug report von Rolf_Ebert)
00154 *                                        PrintInt: Initialisierung text String kann zu Fehler
00155 *                                        beim Flashen mit RS232/IR Adapter fuehren
00156 *                                        (Bug report von francesco)
00157 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------------------
00158 *****************************************************************************/
00159 /****************************************************************************
00160 *
00161 * File Name:   asuro.c
00162 * Project  :   asuro library
00163 *
00164 * Description: new functions has been added:
00165 *
00166 * void UartPutc(unsigned char zeichen)
00167 * void SerPrint(unsigned char *data)
00168 * void SetMotorPower(int8_t left_speed, int8_t right_speed )
00169 * void sound(uint16_t freq, uint16_t duration_msec, uint8_t amplitude)
00170 *
00171 * Description: modifications made in following functions:
00172 *
00173 * void Go(int distance, int power)
00174 * void Turn(int degree, int speed)
00175 * void PrintInt(int wert)
00176 *
00177 *
00178 * Ver.     Date         Author           Comments
00179 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------------------
00180 * 2.70     07.01.2007   stochri          new functions:
00181 *                                        uart_putc: send single character
00182 *                                        SerPrint: send 0-terminated string
00183 *                                        SetMotorPower: set Motor speed and direction
00184 *                                        sound: Sound Ausgabe ueber die Motoren
00185 *                                        Go: distance in mm
00186 *                                        Turn: comments
00187 *                       m.a.r.v.i.n      PrintInt: SerWrite ersetzt durch SerPrint
00188 * -------  ----------   --------------   ------------------------------------------
00189 *****************************************************************************/
00191 #include "asuro.h"
00193 const char version[5] = "2.71";

Erzeugt am Sun Nov 18 18:24:52 2007 für ASURO Library von  doxygen 1.5.1-p1