C Syntax Check

Zum (automatisierten) Auffinden von Syntax-Fehlern in C-Programmen á la lint gibt es viele Tools.

splint ist frei verfügar für viele Plattformen, inklusive Windows, Linux und Cygwin (die Windows- und Cygwin-Versionen liefern identischen Output); Informationen und Download siehe unter Weiterführende Links.

Die beiden typischen Zuweisungs-/Test-Fehler im C-Programm aha.c

int main(void)
  int i=3;

  if (i=5)

  return 0;

werden mittels splint aha.c sofort aufgedeckt:

C:\ASURO_src>splint aha.c
Splint 3.1.1 --- 02 May 2003

aha.c: (in function main)
aha.c:5:7: Test expression for if is assignment expression: i = 5
  The condition test is an assignment expression. Probably, you mean to use ==
  instead of =. If an assignment is intended, add an extra parentheses nesting
  (e.g., if ((a = b)) ...) to suppress this message. (Use -predassign to
  inhibit warning)
aha.c:5:7: Test expression for if not boolean, type int: i = 5
  Test expression type is not boolean or int. (Use -predboolint to inhibit
aha.c:6:5: Statement has no effect: i == 4
  Statement has no visible effect --- no values are modified. (Use -noeffect to
  inhibit warning)

Finished checking --- 3 code warnings

Verwendung von splint für die Asuro-Programmierung

Um Probleme mit dem AVR-Compiler für den Asuro und irgendwelchen weiteren installierten Compilern zu vermeiden, geschieht die Syntax-Überprüfung in zwei Schritten:

  1. Erzeugen einer (AVR-)C-präprozessierten Datei.
  2. Aufruf von splint für diese Datei.


Die folgende Funktion stammt aus einem Thread im RoboterNetz Asuro-Forum:

void tastenCheck(void)
   static unsigned char pressed = 0;
   unsigned int t1,t2;
   SerPrint("switched 1 \n\r");
    if(switched == TRUE && pressed == 0) { // Tastendruck
      pressed = 1;
        t1 = PollSwitch();
        t2 = PollSwitch();
      taste = (t1+t2+1)/2;

      SerPrint("switched 2 \n\r");

   if(pressed == 1 && switched == TRUE) {
      switched == 0;
      SerPrint("switched 3 \n\r");

   if(switched == 0) {
      pressed = 0;
      SerPrint("switched 4 \n\r");


Damit splint damit Umgehen kann, muß noch die globale Variable taste definiert und die Asuro-Bibliothek eingebunden werden. Dies liefert das folgende C-Programm sample.c:

#include "asuro.h"

unsigned int taste;

void tastenCheck(void)
   static unsigned char pressed = 0;


Wie oben beschrieben wird zuerst der AVR-C-Preprocessor aktiviert und die Datei sample.E.c erzeugt:

C:\ASURO_src>avr-gcc -mmcu=atmega8 -E sample.c >sample.E.c

Damit splint nicht durch die #line-Anweisungen in sample.E.c gestört wird, wird die Option -preproc verwendet, und zur Vermeidung von Problemen mit anderen installierten Compilern wird noch die Option -nolib verwendet. Dies liefert erst einmal eine ganze Menge an Meldungen:

C:\ASURO_src>splint -preproc -nolib sample.E.c
Splint 3.1.1 --- 02 May 2003

C:/WinAVR/avr/include/stdlib.h: (in function atol)
C:/WinAVR/avr/include/stdlib.h:253:31: Null storage passed as non-null param:
                                          strtol (..., (char **)0, ...)
  A possibly null pointer is passed as a parameter corresponding to a formal
  parameter with no /*@null@*/ annotation.  If NULL may be used for this
  parameter, add a /*@null@*/ annotation to the function parameter declaration.
  (Use -nullpass to inhibit warning)
sample.c: (in function tastenCheck)
sample.c:7:35: Variable pressed initialized to type int, expects unsigned char:
  Types are incompatible. (Use -type to inhibit warning)
sample.c:10:13: Function SerPrint expects arg 1 to be unsigned char * gets char
                   *: "switched 1 \n\r"
  To ignore signs in type comparisons use +ignoresigns
sample.c:11:25: Operands of == have incompatible types (unsigned char, int):
                   pressed == 0
sample.c:12:7: Assignment of int to unsigned char: pressed = 1
  To make char and int types equivalent, use +charint.
sample.c:13:9: Assignment of unsigned char to unsigned int: t1 = PollSwitch()
sample.c:14:9: Assignment of unsigned char to unsigned int: t2 = PollSwitch()
sample.c:16:16: Function PrintInt expects arg 1 to be int gets unsigned int:
sample.c:20:16: Function SerPrint expects arg 1 to be unsigned char * gets char
                   *: "switched 2 \n\r"
sample.c:23:7: Operands of == have incompatible types (unsigned char, int):
                  pressed == 1
sample.c:25:7: Statement has no effect: switched == 0
  Statement has no visible effect --- no values are modified. (Use -noeffect to
  inhibit warning)
sample.c:27:16: Function SerPrint expects arg 1 to be unsigned char * gets char
                   *: "switched 3 \n\r"
sample.c:31:7: Assignment of int to unsigned char: pressed = 0
sample.c:34:16: Function SerPrint expects arg 1 to be unsigned char * gets char
                   *: "switched 4 \n\r"
    Function exported but not used outside stdlib: abort
  A declaration is exported, but not used outside this module. Declaration can
  use static qualifier. (Use -exportlocal to inhibit warning)
   C:/WinAVR/avr/include/stdlib.h:103:1: Definition of abort
    Function exported but not used outside stdlib: atol
   C:/WinAVR/avr/include/stdlib.h:254:1: Definition of atol
sample.c:3:14: Variable exported but not used outside sample: taste

Finished checking --- 17 code warnings

Um nun ein bißchen den Überblick zu gewinnen (und erstmal die Anzahl der Warnungen zu drücken) kann man folgende Optionen dazuschalten (diese Optionen kann man dem Manual, splint -help oder aber dem obigen Output entnehmen):

  • +charint (macht char- and int-Typen äquivalent)
  • +ignoresigns (ignoriert signed/unsigned-Probleme in Vergleichen)
  • -exportlocal (ignoriert Export-Warnungen)

Dies reduziert die Warnungen auf 2, eine Ungenauigkeit in der Datei stdlib.h des AVR-Compilers und den echten Fehler:

C:\ASURO_src>splint -preproc -nolib +charint +ignoresigns -exportlocal sample.E.
Splint 3.1.1 --- 02 May 2003

C:/WinAVR/avr/include/stdlib.h: (in function atol)
C:/WinAVR/avr/include/stdlib.h:253:31: Null storage passed as non-null param:
                                          strtol (..., (char **)0, ...)
  A possibly null pointer is passed as a parameter corresponding to a formal
  parameter with no /*@null@*/ annotation.  If NULL may be used for this
  parameter, add a /*@null@*/ annotation to the function parameter declaration.
  (Use -nullpass to inhibit warning)
sample.c: (in function tastenCheck)
sample.c:25:7: Statement has no effect: switched == 0
  Statement has no visible effect --- no values are modified. (Use -noeffect to
  inhibit warning)

Finished checking --- 2 code warnings

Weiterführende Links

http://www.splint.org/ - Secure Programming Lint Homepage

http://www.roboternetz.de/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=29987 - RoboterNetz-Thread zum Thema